Basic festival programming roadhog


In a few weeks I'm doing a theater/music festival for 10 days on a Roadhog, my rig consists of 8 vl2500 spots, 6 vl500D's and 30 parcans or something.

I practice a lot with programming using hog/pc and Esp Vision.

My question is, what can be a good way to program the Roadhog for this type of event, mainly the playback faders. I can program it like I would on a Pearl, but I feel I can do much more with it.

Can anyone tell me what a logic programming looks like on a Hog? Or perhaps send me a copy of a festival programming?

Greets, Marco
  • I would personally set up busking lists and scenes. If you could have a playback or expansion wing with the console, that would be beneficial - more faders and buttons per page then.

    I would do pages, either per song or "leave in backgound". The second option is effectivly one huge page. Set up some useful views, that way you can fire scenes and lists/chases or effects from the touchscreen.

    I cant comment on pearl programming as I have never used one. What do you mean by "logic programming"?

  • I would personally set up busking lists and scenes. If you could have a playback or expansion wing with the console, that would be beneficial - more faders and buttons per page then.

    I would do pages, either per song or "leave in backgound". The second option is effectivly one huge page. Set up some useful views, that way you can fire scenes and lists/chases or effects from the touchscreen.

    I cant comment on pearl programming as I have never used one. What do you mean by "logic programming"?

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