Bug Report v3.0.4 b2468 - Marking misbehaves when Cue Only selected

Name: HogPC
Date: 5/21/09
Software Version and build number: v3.0.4 b2468
Number of displays: 2
Connected USB Devices:
(2) DMX Widgets
(1) Programming Wing
(1) Playback Wing
Networked Devices: (none)

When operating a Cuelist in Cue Only mode, setting a cue to Mark will mark the fixtures in the previous cue, but will then take the fixtures' intensity to their programmed level BUT all other attributes to their default mode (i.e. 50/50, Open, N/C).

Operating System: Windows XP SP2
Computer Specs: Dell - Pentium 4 - 2.8ghz - 512mb RAM
Number of displays: 2 Planar touchscreen
Other running applications: None