Delay Betwenn Artnet and HogNet

Hi, i'm running a show with 8 artnet on a FullBoard v3.04.
I'm using a Luminex node 8 for the moment. The point is that we will
play this show in stadium and i will need to use some dp 2000 cause i won't have enough artnet avalaible. So i try to do it and i've got a delay when i'm mixing the 2 protocoles. The artnet is reacting much faster than the dp2000 !
I'd like to know if there is something to configure in the dp ?
Thanks for your answer.

PS : do you have any ideas if the update palette bug will be fixed soon
cause it's nearly every 2/3 update and for sure in live mode
it's not pratical.
  • This doesn't surprise me a bit....the DP-2000 gets bogged down very easily when you start loading it up past a certain point.....I only use mine as ArtNet "decoders" now. You can try either adding more DP-2000s into your system and transferring universes over, or get yourself a DP-8000 and you should have no more problems.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • This doesn't surprise me a bit....the DP-2000 gets bogged down very easily when you start loading it up past a certain point.....I only use mine as ArtNet "decoders" now. You can try either adding more DP-2000s into your system and transferring universes over, or get yourself a DP-8000 and you should have no more problems.

    Hope this helps. :)
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