Delay Betwenn Artnet and HogNet

Hi, i'm running a show with 8 artnet on a FullBoard v3.04.
I'm using a Luminex node 8 for the moment. The point is that we will
play this show in stadium and i will need to use some dp 2000 cause i won't have enough artnet avalaible. So i try to do it and i've got a delay when i'm mixing the 2 protocoles. The artnet is reacting much faster than the dp2000 !
I'd like to know if there is something to configure in the dp ?
Thanks for your answer.

PS : do you have any ideas if the update palette bug will be fixed soon
cause it's nearly every 2/3 update and for sure in live mode
it's not pratical.
  • Others in this thread have posted a lot of good ideas (thanks guys!). The 75 MHz processor in a DP2000 simply can't keep up with the >4GHz of processing available in both the DP8000 and RHFB. If you have to use DP2000s, using more of them with less load on each will improve performance. Also, look at how you're using the rig, and put the stuff that needs faster response on he RHFB, leaving the DP2000s for things where you won't notice a slight response lag.

    If you're planning on using any fast chases, make sure the fixtures in the chase are all on the same DP. DP2000's can get out of sync when doing fast chases across multiple DPs.
  • Others in this thread have posted a lot of good ideas (thanks guys!). The 75 MHz processor in a DP2000 simply can't keep up with the >4GHz of processing available in both the DP8000 and RHFB. If you have to use DP2000s, using more of them with less load on each will improve performance. Also, look at how you're using the rig, and put the stuff that needs faster response on he RHFB, leaving the DP2000s for things where you won't notice a slight response lag.

    If you're planning on using any fast chases, make sure the fixtures in the chase are all on the same DP. DP2000's can get out of sync when doing fast chases across multiple DPs.
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