Hog 2 to Hog 3

I remember that years ago, you could convert Hog 2 shows to Hog 3 shows,
is this possible still and how?

  • Alex,

    we can indeed convert Wholehog 2 shows to Wholehog 3. Please send me the show files directly via upload.highend.com
    Please note that shows with custom libraries will not convert those fixtures and that while I usually am able to convert within a week, it can take up to two weeks in some cases.
  • Alex,

    we can indeed convert Wholehog 2 shows to Wholehog 3. Please send me the show files directly via upload.highend.com
    Please note that shows with custom libraries will not convert those fixtures and that while I usually am able to convert within a week, it can take up to two weeks in some cases.
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