VMware vs parallels in the Hog/lighting world

Hey all-

I'm unfortunately and fortunately in the market for a new computer right now, as my Powerbook finally bit the dust! I'm wondering, I read all about VMware and parallels (mainly the latter) being used in the lighting world (and others). Is there a plus to either piece? Does anyone have a preference for a reason? Does one work better than the other?

  • I'm a former PC/Current Mac guy and was in the same boat. I use Parallels but have never used VMFusion. It's what was recommended to me.

    Basically...either one works well. I use mine for Hog3PC as a remote focus as well as basic WYG stuff with no issues. If I need to do rendering, I launch with Bootcamp...if I'm doing basic plotting, instrument stuff, Parallels handles it just fine.

    So...Hog3PC runs great, Parallels runs fairly well (unless you're trying to do 100 movers obviously).....Using Parallels, you can send "keys that don't exist" to be able to trigger the keyboard to "MAP" instead of "ABC." You can't do that in Bootcamp.

    Hope it helps. If you have any particular questions, don't hesitate to ask.
  • I'm a former PC/Current Mac guy and was in the same boat. I use Parallels but have never used VMFusion. It's what was recommended to me.

    Basically...either one works well. I use mine for Hog3PC as a remote focus as well as basic WYG stuff with no issues. If I need to do rendering, I launch with Bootcamp...if I'm doing basic plotting, instrument stuff, Parallels handles it just fine.

    So...Hog3PC runs great, Parallels runs fairly well (unless you're trying to do 100 movers obviously).....Using Parallels, you can send "keys that don't exist" to be able to trigger the keyboard to "MAP" instead of "ABC." You can't do that in Bootcamp.

    Hope it helps. If you have any particular questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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