bug report B2468: no scroll in output-screen

Name: sfeerpeer
Date: 24-06
Software Version and build number: 3.0.4 / B2468
Number of displays: 1 extern elo 15" touch
Connected USB Devices: 1 memorystick, + elo 15" touch
Networked Devices: none

Detailed description of the problem including instructions to reproduce (if possible) and exact syntax used:

working on FullBoar:
- I have the output-screen on my extern Elo 15"
- I want to scroll up/down and left/right with encoderwheel +"open"-key, but that doesn't work.
- I use:
"values" = ON
"show palettes" = ON
"compact" = ON
also tested with "compact" = OFF, doesn't work either

List any errors reported by the software: none