How do you attach a scroller to an instrument. Lets say my instrument is on Dimmer 1, and scroller is on Dimmer 101, and the channel number would be 1. Is there a way to patch it so that they are both on channels 1, so I can have intensity and color on the same channel like I would for an LED?
You want to patch a generic scroll dimmer. This gives you one handle (one user number) for control over the dimmer and the scroller. Remember there are two patch points on a scroller dimmer (intensity, fixture) so you will need to patch both parts of the fixture in the patch window.
You want to patch a generic scroll dimmer. This gives you one handle (one user number) for control over the dimmer and the scroller. Remember there are two patch points on a scroller dimmer (intensity, fixture) so you will need to patch both parts of the fixture in the patch window.