replicate fixtures

Hi all

I had a show today and i was hoping to utilise the replicate fixtures feature but all didnt go as i had hoped, what went wrong

I had a saved show with x 8 mac 250 kryptons in, in cuelists 1-3 i had had certain peramiters stakced ( col inc int, gobos etc ), they were not from palettes and directly saved from the programmer,

When i did the replicate fixture to add x4 more Mac 250 kr to the show i selected the original 250's hit replicate and hey presto a copy of 12 fixtures, i deleted the ones i didnt need and assumed the cuelists would trigger the new copies of the fixture but it didnt.

Hope this makes sense, i ended up reloading a fresh show and starting a fresh


  • Mike,

    When you replicate, it should copy all the palette and cue data from the original fixtures to the replicated fixtures. If you opened the cue after the replication, did the cue have the new fixtures in it at all? Can you send me your show file at ?

  • Mike,

    When you replicate, it should copy all the palette and cue data from the original fixtures to the replicated fixtures. If you opened the cue after the replication, did the cue have the new fixtures in it at all? Can you send me your show file at ?

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