The issue I am having is that I have two cue stacks, one that sets color for elation impressions, and another that gives them an intensity chase.
When going from one color to the next, I would like to keep the intensity chase and I want it all to be controllable by I faders when necessary.
The first stack has Int. Color info only, the second stack has the effects in it. To carry the chase over when changing colors - I have the effect list trigger the color list so unwanted colors do not show up between the chases. Triggering the other list unfortunately overrides the first one with color info, so I added a follow cue that asserts the effect list after triggering the color list.
Doing this causes the playback process to fail (not responding in launched process window).
I can avoid the problem now by just assigning a higher priority to the second list containing the effects - but triggering another list and then asserting my master via a macro should not cause the playback to crash.
I am using a Road Hog Full Boar, build 2482.
(And thank you forums, I realized the priority fix as I was writing this. :))