Travis Slyter
Ver. 3.05 - Build 2482
2 Displays
USB - Superwidget, Keyboard, USB Playback Wing.
When playing a cuelist using media servers (i.e. Axon, DL.2, Catalyst) the list behaves differently when going backwards between cues verses playing cues forward. When going forward, the media server jumps directly from one media file to another as specified in the cue. When going backward, the media server steps from one file to the other and you see the server(s) stepping through the files quickly over a second or two. This is very distracting when going back and forth between two cues.
This issue seems to occur on Hog PC, Road Hog Full Boar and Hog iPC.
I have attached the demo file from our showroom.
Go to page 19 "DL.2 HL Demos", fader #3, cuelist #149 titled "DL.2 global." This is an intensive multimedia demo for 2 DL.2s and is auto-advancing. Play cues 28-36 forward then blackward, but in reality you can play almost any cue backward. You can also try fader #4, cuelist #153 "DL.2 Collage" and play those cues forward and backward. When playing backward you'll see quick stepping between media files from one cue to the media file in the previous cue.
Go to page 22 "Showpix & Tubes", fader #9, cuelist 171 title "vert tubes." This is a demo for Catalyst playing through VersaTUBEs and is set to auto-advance. However if you manually play the cues forward you see them jump directly from file to file as normal, but if you play cues backwards you'll see quick stepping between media files as the cues fade backwards.
Some additional notes. This issue was apparent even when I didn't have follow times assigned to the cuelists and they were manually advanced. Many of these demos were programmed over a year ago and I didn't have this issue of playing cues backwards with media servers. The servers always just jumped directly from one file to another. I started seeing this stepping around March or so of this year, but initially thought it was a glitch in DL.2/Axon software until I started seeing the same strange glitch with a Catalyst media server recently.
It appears the issue happens most often when the files are in the same folder. If they are in different folders, sometimes reverse playback is clean, sometimes not.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Travis Slyter
Ruehling Associates, Inc.