record palettes

hog 3 V3.0.5 (2482)
1 usb board
3 x DP 2000

When i record a new palette (many parameters or emty)
the playback is jumping for short time, when the activ cue
for example Pan Tilt is created with effects engine.
No different it`s a focus color or beam palette.

The same with normal cue.
VL6 in warm up cue.
color wheel is spinning.

When i create a new palette ( record palette)
All Vl6 jumping into blue and staying there.
i have to start the warm up cue again to spin the color wheel.

Thanks !!!

  • [quote=]
    When i record a new palette (many parameters or emty)
    the playback is jumping for short time, when the activ cue
    for example Pan Tilt is created with effects engine.
    No different it`s a focus color or beam palette.

    This sounds a lot like something I noticed a while back running a FullBoar:
    I was updating stage position presets (all stage heads on universe 1) with houselights running (one cue, containing an intensity effect over several dimmers, and color,gobo,intensity for some Mac250's, as well as a slow offset pan effect for same. All house lights on universe 2). Every time I pressed RECORD after setting the new positions, I noticed the intensity and position effects in the house light cue stop for a second, then immediately jump forward to where they should have been had the effect not stopped.

    So -without implying I'm any good with networks, 'cause I'm not- it doesn't sound like a network thing to me at all, but more like a glitch in the software, like it can't handle updating presets while calculating the effects values.

    It'll be at least another week before I'm back behind any kind of Hog, but when I am, it'll be the same rig, same desk, so I'll see about replicating the problem, and check back here with software version and the like...
  • [quote=]
    When i record a new palette (many parameters or emty)
    the playback is jumping for short time, when the activ cue
    for example Pan Tilt is created with effects engine.
    No different it`s a focus color or beam palette.

    This sounds a lot like something I noticed a while back running a FullBoar:
    I was updating stage position presets (all stage heads on universe 1) with houselights running (one cue, containing an intensity effect over several dimmers, and color,gobo,intensity for some Mac250's, as well as a slow offset pan effect for same. All house lights on universe 2). Every time I pressed RECORD after setting the new positions, I noticed the intensity and position effects in the house light cue stop for a second, then immediately jump forward to where they should have been had the effect not stopped.

    So -without implying I'm any good with networks, 'cause I'm not- it doesn't sound like a network thing to me at all, but more like a glitch in the software, like it can't handle updating presets while calculating the effects values.

    It'll be at least another week before I'm back behind any kind of Hog, but when I am, it'll be the same rig, same desk, so I'll see about replicating the problem, and check back here with software version and the like...
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