yes, when I arrived at the FOH, the f.o.h. power was gone, the backup-ups was empty, and the Full Boar didn't like it. Completely down :(
Nothing worked: desktop didn't react, no trackball/mousepointer working, no dmx-output etc etc.
After a few useless restarts ( f.e. tried to load an other show in case the showfile was corrupt, but no go), I used the partial recovery-function at start-up-screen (from the desk itself, not from cd or bootable usb).
Everything worked again, except there was no dmx-output....
So we had to bring in a new desk asap (how much stress can you handle, and the show must go on).
Next day at home I tried to fix it, and to see what went wrong. Took a while...
After a complete re-install from cd (XPe 1.40 + Hog OS 3.0.4) everything was there again and working, happy me.
What the hell happened?????
Only thing I could find: in the networkwindow it looked to me that the virtual dp was offline / disconnected. I guess there was a software thing happening at powerloss, somewhere was a 1bit instead of a 0bit???
some textmessages I've got during the useless restarts:
1 "unable to bind to configured adapter, reconfiguring to use valid network adapter"
2 "class fps; runtime"
3 "exeption source callstack, serverprogress, 396 thread"
but the best one (when I really got worried) was when trying to do the partial recovery, the software said " unknown desk" where it should say" full boar"
So, what happened, and will this happen again?