Okay, I need some help!! Trying to get started with HOG 3PC, but constant issues.


I am ready to pull my hair out, and I have not even started programming yet. I am moving from another brand system to HOG 3PC, but I have not even got past verifying my patch, without issues
I am running a Monster Dell laptop with vista business with all updates, and boat loads of processor, and memory (laptop is about 2 months old) This laptop is my show system, and only run show software on (aside from Antivirus). The laptop is running Version 3.0.5 b2482

I have a DP2000 running fast Ethernet (direct cross-over cable) to the laptop.

DP2000 Ver= HOG3v3.0.5(b2482)75MHz

I am having some really dis-concerning issues with the hog system just shutting down, it completely disappears... Here I am trying to get my patch setup started, and adding & editing fixtures, and I lose everything....Just closes out.

When I try to click on the HOG3PC icon, it tells me it is already running, the DMX processor still shows "running" showserver, connected to my laptops IP. When I go to my task manager, I see all of the "hog golden32.exe's" still running. But I cannot recover the show.

This is really scaring me, because I have not even started programming, and also worried about what is going to happen during a show....

Please help, this is really getting under my skin, I moved to hog to get away from another system for all of its features, and reliability. I am also having problems with some libraries’, as they do not have all of the functions for the fixtures, or perform the functions properly.
But I guess that will be another thread.

I also have the issue where I open something like patch, or output, change a value in the programmer, and the screen will "blip", then nothing is clickable, or movable. Then the windows shutdown all at once.

When I go to "quit", the window "application not responding", and then a windows to kill the process, then if I tried to open the program again, it will give me an error, and say unable to start. If I reboot, the it will work fine...

I am trying to get to programming for a show on August 1st, but looks like I am still going to have to use my old system, the way things are going..

Any help would be appreciated.
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