Help merging fixture info

Console Config - 2x Full Boar (master+slave) connected to 1x DP8000, all v3.0.5
Fixture config - Mac 700 Wash, 16 bit extended mode and DLOF set to ON.

I was working on a cruise ship install where we are having problems with getting MAC700 Wash fixtures to lamp off via DMX. It turns out that the show file must be using an old fixture library because the console sends DMX value 245 on the control channel (instead of 252) to lamp off. This was not noticed becuse the designer was doing pre-vis programming off-site, so lamping off fixtures was not a concern.

I wasn't able to address the problem on site, (no internet access) but now that I am home and have access to a Full Boar, I have tried to merge the MAC700 definition from the latest fixture library (4.1.44, June 14, 2009) into a copy of the show file.

The merge process completed without errors, but the console is still sending the wrong DMX value for lamp off. I tried unpatching and repatching the fixtures and changing type to itself (to try to force the new definition to be used). I also tried to repeat the merge but the MAC700 Wash definition in the show file was listed as same as the latest library (rev. 8), so the first merge put the correct definition into the show file.

If I create a new show file and use the latest library, the MAC700 definition is correct (sends DMX value 252 for lamp off), so I know that the new fixture definition will solve the problem.

What am I missing in this process? Is there any way to get the new definition into the old show file and get the fixtures to use it so that they send the correct lamp off value? Starting from scratch is not an option- this show has been in production for weeks. I would like to be able to send fool-proof instructions to the folks that are still onboard so that they can update the current show file and solve this issue.

The help file mentions that it is not possible to merge information from shows with different versions of fixture libraries- it this what is causing the problem?

  • Sounds like something is not going right with the show merge. Can you send me your show file to look at? We will troubleshoot and get this working.
  • Sounds like something is not going right with the show merge. Can you send me your show file to look at? We will troubleshoot and get this working.
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