[quote=DavidMaitland;40073] The reason why i chosen to direct it at you is because my mind is already set on the Wholehog system and i knew that the main competitor of Wholehog desks is Grand MA.
I would also say that Compulite Vectors, MagicQ consoles and PRG consoles are also very close competetors. But of course there are others on the market....
[quote=DavidMaitland;40073] I just wanted to know why you made that decision. Some very good points, the one i have noticed is the nice interface of Hog :P
One of the reasons I love it too. Intuative syntax and interface. Save alot of time.
[quote=ryanwilkinson;40074] Artnet in (merging and external control) Midi control of encoders, triggering Keystroke macros & better overall macro control bitmapping more powerful effects engine worlds motorized faders
Network Tracking Backup Additional colours to GUI Support for Hmap2, CITP protocol (MSEX) Keyboard shortcuts for H3Pc encoders Ability to add JPGs such as Gobo designs via external media to palette titles USB saving on the Wholehog 3 console Updated linux kernal Chat function (like the MA net and Hippo Net one)
There are more of course. The software just gets better and better. David, stick with Hog - trust me you will have made a good choice. It is all about using a console you can remember, use efficently and gaining good manufacturer/end user relationships - (Good Product Support.)
LOL! I crashed the desk in training when I went on space invaders... I had one view on the MA that had all 5 screens showing a huge clock... just so I made sure the LD knew what time it was! :18:
Buy a gaming console??? But in the fray when poo hits the fan - games keep me from hanging myself or the splat that put me in the mood to tie a noose - space invaders rocks when all else fails - but the price for the other style console can keep it at bay!!!!forums.highend.com/images/smilies/poke.gif
If they ever add space invaders you should be able to control the ship with the FX engine. Set up a intensity chase for rate of fire and a pan fx for movement. Buy a hog and with the money you saved buy a real gaming system and a tablet pc as a focus remote.
Hog all the way... Started as a hog user will always be a hog user, The MA's learning curve was much higher and work was 4x as much to program a show than on a hog.
been using a Grand MA 2 for the last 9 weeks.. very nice console..
all the things i use to hate, ie Encoders, and Faders, and screens.. and the damm look of the thing have been sorted.... very good desk if i'm honest.. will use what ever i need to get the jobs i have done... and like to swap desk now and again to keep me fresh.