Tablet PC running H3PC networked

Hey all, I am looking at buying this tablet pc

What would I need to make this work as a remote focus device running my HOG IPC?

  • [quote=lightmike87;40018]So once you've networked the iPC to the laptop, do you just run the same show? and then that laptop becomes live?

    At startup/launcher window.
    Ensure that your client is running on the proper network adapter.
    Select "Settings"
    Turn off RUN SERVER
    Set client to be a console number that is different (usually "2" is fine)
    Rescan the network (if needed) and then log into the show that is already running.

    [quote=lightmike87;40018]With this said, If I were to leave the iPC in a booth and setup a tech table with a laptop and playback wing, networked to the console, I would be able to run cues?


    Hope this helps. :)
  • [quote=lightmike87;40018]So once you've networked the iPC to the laptop, do you just run the same show? and then that laptop becomes live?

    At startup/launcher window.
    Ensure that your client is running on the proper network adapter.
    Select "Settings"
    Turn off RUN SERVER
    Set client to be a console number that is different (usually "2" is fine)
    Rescan the network (if needed) and then log into the show that is already running.

    [quote=lightmike87;40018]With this said, If I were to leave the iPC in a booth and setup a tech table with a laptop and playback wing, networked to the console, I would be able to run cues?


    Hope this helps. :)
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