Simple way of adding changes in cues with LEDs

Still learing system, trying to figure out the bast way to make my led RGB lighting alternate from teal to purple in a cue? Would the best way to create this be an effectt?, and add then add to cue?. And if possible could you help me with the effect info?

  • I was going to do a chase, but I was trying to stay within the same master. I ended up creating an effect, just a little different to understand. I was able to create the effect from teal to purple back and forth using HSI with a sine...

    Are there any other tips and tricks whitepapers (other than the manual)on using the effects engine?

    Also is there any "visual" feedback to actually see the sine, ramp, or others kind of like an oscilloscope view to see where you are in the "HSI" i.e see the actual dot moving back and forth from teal to purple, and able to see the path?

    Just wondering.
  • I was going to do a chase, but I was trying to stay within the same master. I ended up creating an effect, just a little different to understand. I was able to create the effect from teal to purple back and forth using HSI with a sine...

    Are there any other tips and tricks whitepapers (other than the manual)on using the effects engine?

    Also is there any "visual" feedback to actually see the sine, ramp, or others kind of like an oscilloscope view to see where you are in the "HSI" i.e see the actual dot moving back and forth from teal to purple, and able to see the path?

    Just wondering.
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