Simple way of adding changes in cues with LEDs

Still learing system, trying to figure out the bast way to make my led RGB lighting alternate from teal to purple in a cue? Would the best way to create this be an effectt?, and add then add to cue?. And if possible could you help me with the effect info?

  • I also use mark on/off quite alot with colours.

    You can keep it on 1 master. This is the way I program. I usually record chases around 100+ in the directory so I know my main lists have plenty of space. Just record a 2 cue chase in the list directory out of the way. Play it when you have got it hwo you want it, then put all of the other paramaters such as (position etc for other fixtures) on stage as well, then record the cue to your main list.

  • I also use mark on/off quite alot with colours.

    You can keep it on 1 master. This is the way I program. I usually record chases around 100+ in the directory so I know my main lists have plenty of space. Just record a 2 cue chase in the list directory out of the way. Play it when you have got it hwo you want it, then put all of the other paramaters such as (position etc for other fixtures) on stage as well, then record the cue to your main list.

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