Simple way of adding changes in cues with LEDs

Still learing system, trying to figure out the bast way to make my led RGB lighting alternate from teal to purple in a cue? Would the best way to create this be an effectt?, and add then add to cue?. And if possible could you help me with the effect info?

  • I generally never use fade time (of any sort) with Mark On/Off. Mainly because it is litterally on/off. The key with using that effects table is the offsets, having some well thought out offsets with that effect, can yeild great results.

    Now the following isnt something I programmed but it is done with the same effects table and the programmer uses offsets to create the look. It was done on a Compulite Vector... Watch the LED's under the stairs...

    Best wishes and I hope this helps :)
  • I generally never use fade time (of any sort) with Mark On/Off. Mainly because it is litterally on/off. The key with using that effects table is the offsets, having some well thought out offsets with that effect, can yeild great results.

    Now the following isnt something I programmed but it is done with the same effects table and the programmer uses offsets to create the look. It was done on a Compulite Vector... Watch the LED's under the stairs...

    Best wishes and I hope this helps :)
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