Whole Hog 3PC For MAC !!

How many of you guys think having Hog PC for Mac is a good idea? Leave your comments and Ideas !
  • As it relates to developing a MAC solution..

    As a group we would like to do it however there are some serious hurdles to overcome..

    1. Debian Linux != MACOS - There a tons of differences from a linux perspective where we today we can't just compile on Mac and we get it for free

    2. User interface - It took us over a year from Hog3 (linux) to release Hog3 PC due to the many changes in how different the UI behaves.

    3. Testing / Development load - Each new platform causes each release cycle to take longer and longer as platform specific issues come up and we must test on each new platform

    4. Resources - We currently do not have many MAC developers in house.. (I am the only one who knows it). This would also mean our support guys would also have to become MAC savy.

    5. We give away Hog3 PC away for free - We have looked at this as an investment where it would cost quite a bit to develop a MAC solution and the return didn't seem large enough offset the costs/issues above.

    Given all that, we do anticipate in the not too distant future to have a MAC based connectivity driver. As we go along, we are choosing technologies that close the technology gap that hopefully will lower the technology hurdle and make it more viable.

    I hope this gives you guys an insight as to where we stand on this topic..

    -Robbie Bruce
  • As it relates to developing a MAC solution..

    As a group we would like to do it however there are some serious hurdles to overcome..

    1. Debian Linux != MACOS - There a tons of differences from a linux perspective where we today we can't just compile on Mac and we get it for free

    2. User interface - It took us over a year from Hog3 (linux) to release Hog3 PC due to the many changes in how different the UI behaves.

    3. Testing / Development load - Each new platform causes each release cycle to take longer and longer as platform specific issues come up and we must test on each new platform

    4. Resources - We currently do not have many MAC developers in house.. (I am the only one who knows it). This would also mean our support guys would also have to become MAC savy.

    5. We give away Hog3 PC away for free - We have looked at this as an investment where it would cost quite a bit to develop a MAC solution and the return didn't seem large enough offset the costs/issues above.

    Given all that, we do anticipate in the not too distant future to have a MAC based connectivity driver. As we go along, we are choosing technologies that close the technology gap that hopefully will lower the technology hurdle and make it more viable.

    I hope this gives you guys an insight as to where we stand on this topic..

    -Robbie Bruce
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