Whole Hog 3PC For MAC !!

How many of you guys think having Hog PC for Mac is a good idea? Leave your comments and Ideas !
  • [quote=Steve Harper;41109]
    In general, it occurs to me that, as lighting and video continue to mush together, there's an increasing demand to get video assets and control interfaces to cooperate with each other. Apple OS will surely need to be a part of the picture in my mind, since much video editing and compression is Apple-centric.
    Now that Barco and HES are together ... and all recent HES fixtures entries have been of a video or pixel mapping nature, it seems logical to me that their control platform be evolving alongside the other products. Is the logical next evolution of Wholehog not a significant step toward real video control?

    All the HES fixture entries of a video nature are windows based MediaServers
    The best and most powerfull MediaServer I know is the HippotizerHD v3..
    There ain't a MAC based Server that can tip on Hippo's speed and ease..
    Hippo uses onboard chip programming of it's output cards.. Which makes it so fast.. I use Catalyst now for over 4 years and I'm very happy with it, but it's realy not as fast and easy to use as a Hippo...
    Another power of windows is their SLI technology.. That's way better integrated in DirectX than in Mac.. DirectX is not only there for the games, now a days you have the aero stuff in windows which is rendered by DirectX and also my WYG screens are redered by it.. And what do you need in a mediaserver not compressing and not editing the video.. Playback the video and alter it's looks.. So basicly rendering new images constantly..
    That's the only thing I don't like of mac..
    And as much as I like Mac.. I think it's not the right thing for now.. As Robbie already said, it takes too much time in a lot of area's.. (Testing Developing Service etc)
  • [quote=Steve Harper;41109]
    In general, it occurs to me that, as lighting and video continue to mush together, there's an increasing demand to get video assets and control interfaces to cooperate with each other. Apple OS will surely need to be a part of the picture in my mind, since much video editing and compression is Apple-centric.
    Now that Barco and HES are together ... and all recent HES fixtures entries have been of a video or pixel mapping nature, it seems logical to me that their control platform be evolving alongside the other products. Is the logical next evolution of Wholehog not a significant step toward real video control?

    All the HES fixture entries of a video nature are windows based MediaServers
    The best and most powerfull MediaServer I know is the HippotizerHD v3..
    There ain't a MAC based Server that can tip on Hippo's speed and ease..
    Hippo uses onboard chip programming of it's output cards.. Which makes it so fast.. I use Catalyst now for over 4 years and I'm very happy with it, but it's realy not as fast and easy to use as a Hippo...
    Another power of windows is their SLI technology.. That's way better integrated in DirectX than in Mac.. DirectX is not only there for the games, now a days you have the aero stuff in windows which is rendered by DirectX and also my WYG screens are redered by it.. And what do you need in a mediaserver not compressing and not editing the video.. Playback the video and alter it's looks.. So basicly rendering new images constantly..
    That's the only thing I don't like of mac..
    And as much as I like Mac.. I think it's not the right thing for now.. As Robbie already said, it takes too much time in a lot of area's.. (Testing Developing Service etc)
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