Whole Hog 3PC For MAC !!

How many of you guys think having Hog PC for Mac is a good idea? Leave your comments and Ideas !
  • I'm a Mac guy but I'd be totally happy with just an iPAD app which is essentially what Robbie said they have already started development on. I feel like the MAC vs Windows debate is quickly becoming moot. I can currently run HOG 3 on my MAC using Bootcamp but it still is pretty unusable as the interface really doesn't work properly without a playback wing with it's wheels and thus can't be easily carried around for remote focusing. As all of these tablet devices are beginning to change what's possible it seems pretty obvious that the small device model is the way to go.

    The "works on any small device" approach that Robbie spoke of makes a ton of sense. Having a Hog app that can be easily ported to Android, iPhone, or whatever comes out in the next couple of years seems like the best bang for the time spent to write the code.

    Can't Wait!

  • I'm a Mac guy but I'd be totally happy with just an iPAD app which is essentially what Robbie said they have already started development on. I feel like the MAC vs Windows debate is quickly becoming moot. I can currently run HOG 3 on my MAC using Bootcamp but it still is pretty unusable as the interface really doesn't work properly without a playback wing with it's wheels and thus can't be easily carried around for remote focusing. As all of these tablet devices are beginning to change what's possible it seems pretty obvious that the small device model is the way to go.

    The "works on any small device" approach that Robbie spoke of makes a ton of sense. Having a Hog app that can be easily ported to Android, iPhone, or whatever comes out in the next couple of years seems like the best bang for the time spent to write the code.

    Can't Wait!

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