Whole Hog 3PC For MAC !!

How many of you guys think having Hog PC for Mac is a good idea? Leave your comments and Ideas !
  • [QUOTE=leebot;47065]You would think it would be a minor change to port it over to linux. But really how many users that would want it on linux don't already have a pc they can run it on. I would rather they spend time working on bug fixes and enhancements.

    I personally would love a x86 (or even PPC) linux binary. As I think has been addressed in this thread many times. A lot of people have issues with windows.

    If the full hog3 can run linux why can't any of the smaller varieties?

    I understand linux is more of a "poweruser" OS, but do what a lot of enterprise apps do, only support a certain distro (probably some form of debian variant as thats what the hog 3 is based off of)

    Would it be possible to install the hog3 linux package on a powerpc distro? Has anyone tried it?
  • [QUOTE=leebot;47065]You would think it would be a minor change to port it over to linux. But really how many users that would want it on linux don't already have a pc they can run it on. I would rather they spend time working on bug fixes and enhancements.

    I personally would love a x86 (or even PPC) linux binary. As I think has been addressed in this thread many times. A lot of people have issues with windows.

    If the full hog3 can run linux why can't any of the smaller varieties?

    I understand linux is more of a "poweruser" OS, but do what a lot of enterprise apps do, only support a certain distro (probably some form of debian variant as thats what the hog 3 is based off of)

    Would it be possible to install the hog3 linux package on a powerpc distro? Has anyone tried it?
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