Whole Hog 3PC For MAC !!

How many of you guys think having Hog PC for Mac is a good idea? Leave your comments and Ideas !
  • [QUOTE=jxgriffi;45934]I have to disagree with you here. The Studio Color is a definite workhorse. We own quite a few (and just purchased more). Show me another fixture that does color mixing, runs on 110v and is convection cooled (this is the reason we have VL1000's, Studio Colors and Studio Spot CMY Zooms). We had to have NO FANS.

    I agree with Jon, no fans and loving it. We are keeping Studio Spots alive for this exact reason. Working a lot with philharmonic orchestras and noise really is an issue. Also using a set of VL1000´s but very disappointed with all the motor noise...
  • [QUOTE=jxgriffi;45934]I have to disagree with you here. The Studio Color is a definite workhorse. We own quite a few (and just purchased more). Show me another fixture that does color mixing, runs on 110v and is convection cooled (this is the reason we have VL1000's, Studio Colors and Studio Spot CMY Zooms). We had to have NO FANS.

    I agree with Jon, no fans and loving it. We are keeping Studio Spots alive for this exact reason. Working a lot with philharmonic orchestras and noise really is an issue. Also using a set of VL1000´s but very disappointed with all the motor noise...
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