Tablet Backup Anyone

Are any of you running Hog 3 PC on a tablet and backing up your console with it?

If so what is your configuration? Are you connecting through a wireless router? Do you experience network slowdown throught the wireless setup. Are you able to run the rig with the tablet and how does it work for you?

thanks for your time.
  • I would listen...

    My laptop is 32 bit Vista... Now I wanted to downgrade to XP and I almost killed it. I took Vista off and tried XP... no go... tried to out Vista back on and it wouldnt work either. It caused more trouble than it is worth!! It took me weeks to get backup discs because Toshiba didnt publisise some of the drivers... Nightmare.

    Marty has a good tablet... (Hope you dont mind me quoting Marty)

    Get yourself a Motion Computing F5 tablet.....very rugged and fast with SSD....just got one a little while back and it is the best tablet I've used to date for H3 RFU.
  • I would listen...

    My laptop is 32 bit Vista... Now I wanted to downgrade to XP and I almost killed it. I took Vista off and tried XP... no go... tried to out Vista back on and it wouldnt work either. It caused more trouble than it is worth!! It took me weeks to get backup discs because Toshiba didnt publisise some of the drivers... Nightmare.

    Marty has a good tablet... (Hope you dont mind me quoting Marty)

    Get yourself a Motion Computing F5 tablet.....very rugged and fast with SSD....just got one a little while back and it is the best tablet I've used to date for H3 RFU.
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