Color for cuelists and Scenes window

Hi everybody,

It could be useful to have the opportunity to give a color to Cuelist and Scene cells.

For a festival, where lot of bands from many countries are coming, a blue cell named Mac 2K would be really easy to understand for everybody.

In the same way it could be interesting to do the some with pictures, we could quickly choose a Gobo or a position (gif with lines to simulate beams)

  • I would give my left arm, ok my friend's left arm for cue list color coding. I know I am a spoiled by having a Mac, but I do a TON of LiveOntheFly and it would simplify my life, and make me less crosseyed when Im looking at 300+ cuelists on screen. Please sooner than later.

    Also Would be nice to have a GLOBAL BPM so that I can assign a generic BPM in the options menu of a list and tap a button combo so if I change from chase to chase the console stays in sync. PLEASE ! PLEASE !
  • I would give my left arm, ok my friend's left arm for cue list color coding. I know I am a spoiled by having a Mac, but I do a TON of LiveOntheFly and it would simplify my life, and make me less crosseyed when Im looking at 300+ cuelists on screen. Please sooner than later.

    Also Would be nice to have a GLOBAL BPM so that I can assign a generic BPM in the options menu of a list and tap a button combo so if I change from chase to chase the console stays in sync. PLEASE ! PLEASE !
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