Strange behavior on Backup Console

I just figure out a strange behaivor with a Hog 3 PC console, Paul from HES support just help us out, and we found a way to drible that.

We have the following configuration

2 Hog 3 PC systems, with 1 Playback and 1 Programmer wing on each, and 2 Superwidgets also on each one.

So we basickly have 2 separate consoles Hog 3 PC with 8 DMX lines OUT.

We use one as MAIN and the second one as BACKUP, all with 8 outs and a 8 A and B manual switcher.

We figure out, if you save your show on the MAIN, when you load that on the BACKUP, you get a Runtime error from the console.

We also figure out, that is because the saved show, brings the Widget information from the MAIN to the BACKUP console, since the widgets are different, we have a conflict, and runtime error.

The way arround is:

Unplug your widgets on the BACKUP Console
Load your show
In Network, DP8000, disable the widgets what came with the show
after that you plug the widgets USB
then you configure again the widgets in Network
And all good

So the request is if the console can identify the widgets changed and so on.....

King Regards

Version 3.05
Win XP