Best way (Low cost) of backup consoles for show. Any suggestions?

Throughout the year i have been using the Hog2 PC and it seems quite stable. But now with the Hog3 pc.....Sometimes my old computer just hangs for no reason.... Before I have found out the reason why, i would like some suggestions on how I should make a backup plan. I would like to use 2 computers, one for main and other for backup. Here is a list of stuff I have. Please suggest how i should use it and the lowest cost for that system if i have to get anything extra. All your opinions are appriciated.

MacbookPro running windows xp pro (parallel). 4G ram
Dell Latitude D620 with 1 G ram runing window XP pro
one superwidget.
one wire/wireless router

I have been using the Crossplugging of USB widgets but that plan seems not too professional and stable.....

Do I really need to get another widget? then something to switch the DMX signals? Any suggestions?
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