Hog 3 fixture builder

I don't get out here on the forums very often at all so this may have been covered already.
After consulting with techs at HES, it seems to be necessary to send an email in to have a fixture library created for a moving light.
As we as designers/programmers do our craft, most of us have a burning desire for more knowledge within the industry and try and stay up to date with the technology we work with. With that said; I am at a loss for reasons behind having to have someone else do something we are quite capable of doing ourselves given the proper tools and knowledge.
Rather than have to make phone calls after hours for tech support while trying to write a profile on the console or having to send in the channel/dmx value information to some library creator guru; why not make the fixture builder actually work or if it does, how about some clear cut info on how to properly use it?
My thoughts are if it has it, make it work. If it doesn't work; take it off the console entirely.
Is it suppose to be some sort of trade secret on how to write a profile correctly so it works?
Every time I have called to get help with this feature of the console I am met with the same general answer. Has issues. While trying to use it, many times it causes the console to lose the desktop and it has to either be restarted or complete reboot of Hog 3.
If there is someone with insite on how to make this area of the console work, let me know. If not; Someone please don't let this be like the X-spot and many other pieces of equipment that are left half finished only to fade away with a slow death. Finish it! Pretty Please..... :1zhelp:
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