Lights Flicker Randomly HELP ASAP

I have some Chauvet Color tubes and a color controller2.0 LED-chva

the tubes only will flicker randomly and if its in a chase it will reset the chase. Its not a cable issue because I tried it at the head of the chain. Also the controller was swapped out just incase it was defective. I need help as soon as possible because its for a church and its very distracting. Please help me as soon as possible. would really appreciate it. Ive tried everything I know so I would take whatever I can get. THanks
  • Unfortunately there is no way to make the two work together without flickering.
    Maybe you could talk to the good folks at Goddard or Fleenor to see if they can make a box that retards the data to Chauvets liking. Won't be cheap, but it is really the only option you have without changing the console or the lighting fixtures.

    Here's the thread on the lanbox forums where they discuss this issue in detail:
  • Unfortunately there is no way to make the two work together without flickering.
    Maybe you could talk to the good folks at Goddard or Fleenor to see if they can make a box that retards the data to Chauvets liking. Won't be cheap, but it is really the only option you have without changing the console or the lighting fixtures.

    Here's the thread on the lanbox forums where they discuss this issue in detail:
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