Lights Flicker Randomly HELP ASAP

I have some Chauvet Color tubes and a color controller2.0 LED-chva

the tubes only will flicker randomly and if its in a chase it will reset the chase. Its not a cable issue because I tried it at the head of the chain. Also the controller was swapped out just incase it was defective. I need help as soon as possible because its for a church and its very distracting. Please help me as soon as possible. would really appreciate it. Ive tried everything I know so I would take whatever I can get. THanks
  • There's a lot more to DMX signal timing than the refresh rate. Unfortunately, as Andris said, some poorly designed products work fine with DJ-class controllers, but can't cope with the signal timing from professional grade consoles. DMX timing has been the same for over two decades. Any product that can't accept a full speed DMX signal should not be sold as DMX compatible.

    There are a number of products out there that will re-time the DMX signal to work with old or poorly designed equipment. The two I know of offhand are the GDC HUB5's "Clean Port" and the DMXter4 in Intercept and Modify Mode. I mention these two because I have worked for GDC and know their product line off the top of my head. DFD and the other usual suspects have similar products.

    I suspect you'll find that the equipment to re-time the signal will cost you more than you saved by purchasing low-cost equipment in the first place.
  • There's a lot more to DMX signal timing than the refresh rate. Unfortunately, as Andris said, some poorly designed products work fine with DJ-class controllers, but can't cope with the signal timing from professional grade consoles. DMX timing has been the same for over two decades. Any product that can't accept a full speed DMX signal should not be sold as DMX compatible.

    There are a number of products out there that will re-time the DMX signal to work with old or poorly designed equipment. The two I know of offhand are the GDC HUB5's "Clean Port" and the DMXter4 in Intercept and Modify Mode. I mention these two because I have worked for GDC and know their product line off the top of my head. DFD and the other usual suspects have similar products.

    I suspect you'll find that the equipment to re-time the signal will cost you more than you saved by purchasing low-cost equipment in the first place.
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