Church Lighting

Hey guys,
I have been running lights on a road hog for about 3 months now at the church I attend. We have 16 movers, 6 LED bars, 12 LED cans, and a ton of conventional lighting. I was trying to get some advice on a easy way to run a Sunday morning without having to spend hours programming each week. Also, the set changes once a month so position palettes have to be changed often. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance!

  • I am working on selling a church I work with a console and were doing a 'demo' this week for them. This actually helped me out immensely because I have been trying to figure out the best way that someone who knows nothing to run it.

    I do have one question. For your busking page, how do you set that up so it is easy for someone to look at it and do something? I know the layout I use, but I don't have others use my console, and not sure how well it would pan out for someone to look at it. I am just curious since your method has been throughly tested!

    Unfortunately they don't have movers yet, but I have been pushing them hard to get some. For a 2500 seat auditorium, 48 dimmers isn't much. They have 9 cb12's and 10 color commands.

    Thanks Jon!
  • I am working on selling a church I work with a console and were doing a 'demo' this week for them. This actually helped me out immensely because I have been trying to figure out the best way that someone who knows nothing to run it.

    I do have one question. For your busking page, how do you set that up so it is easy for someone to look at it and do something? I know the layout I use, but I don't have others use my console, and not sure how well it would pan out for someone to look at it. I am just curious since your method has been throughly tested!

    Unfortunately they don't have movers yet, but I have been pushing them hard to get some. For a 2500 seat auditorium, 48 dimmers isn't much. They have 9 cb12's and 10 color commands.

    Thanks Jon!
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