Church Lighting

Hey guys,
I have been running lights on a road hog for about 3 months now at the church I attend. We have 16 movers, 6 LED bars, 12 LED cans, and a ton of conventional lighting. I was trying to get some advice on a easy way to run a Sunday morning without having to spend hours programming each week. Also, the set changes once a month so position palettes have to be changed often. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance!

  • Ryan,

    My busking page (well...for volunteers) is setup as follows. We have movers, but we don't 'move' them during the service. They are intensity, color, beams and movement.

    Picture the screen as 4 quadrants (LIST screen split between both screens)
    Top half of the LEFT screen is COLOR
    Row 1 - Full stage color bumps / List 12 is a RELEASE THIS LINE macro
    Row 2 - 1/2 Color Bumps (2 colors on 50/50 of the rig on cue 1. Cue 2 reverses the color) / List 24 is a RELEASE THIS LINE macro
    Row 3 - More 1/2 Color bumps
    Row 4 is empty as a spacer

    Bottom Half of LEFT Screen is BEAM
    Row 5 - Straight Gobo Selections / List 60 is a RELEASE THIS LINE
    Row 6 - Slow / Med > / Slow > on Gobo 1 - List 72 is a release this line - Add Iris steps, etc. to fill the line as needed.
    Row 7 - Same as Row 6 but with Gobo 2 and same release this line - Add other beam effects to fill the line as needed.

    Top Half of RIGHT Screen
    Position moves - Spot Circle Small, Spot Circle Med, Spot Circle Large - Repeat for Wash - Same RELEASE THIS LINE at end
    Spot Kicks Small, Spot Kicks Med, Spot Kicks Large / Repeat for Wash - RELEASE THIS LINE at end

    Bottom Half of RIGHT Screen
    Intensity Effects - Slow Intensity Fades, White stripes, 50/50 (Spots/Wash), Odd/Even, 3 Circuit Chase, 4 Circuit Chase, FLICKER, Random Strobe, 10Hz. Strobe.

    That should give you a basic layout of my page.

    I'm off the rest of this week, but since you're in Huntington Beach, Saddleback is in Lake Forest if you ever want to swing by. Just shoot me an email and we can set it. jon at housetohalf dot net.
  • Ryan,

    My busking page (well...for volunteers) is setup as follows. We have movers, but we don't 'move' them during the service. They are intensity, color, beams and movement.

    Picture the screen as 4 quadrants (LIST screen split between both screens)
    Top half of the LEFT screen is COLOR
    Row 1 - Full stage color bumps / List 12 is a RELEASE THIS LINE macro
    Row 2 - 1/2 Color Bumps (2 colors on 50/50 of the rig on cue 1. Cue 2 reverses the color) / List 24 is a RELEASE THIS LINE macro
    Row 3 - More 1/2 Color bumps
    Row 4 is empty as a spacer

    Bottom Half of LEFT Screen is BEAM
    Row 5 - Straight Gobo Selections / List 60 is a RELEASE THIS LINE
    Row 6 - Slow / Med > / Slow > on Gobo 1 - List 72 is a release this line - Add Iris steps, etc. to fill the line as needed.
    Row 7 - Same as Row 6 but with Gobo 2 and same release this line - Add other beam effects to fill the line as needed.

    Top Half of RIGHT Screen
    Position moves - Spot Circle Small, Spot Circle Med, Spot Circle Large - Repeat for Wash - Same RELEASE THIS LINE at end
    Spot Kicks Small, Spot Kicks Med, Spot Kicks Large / Repeat for Wash - RELEASE THIS LINE at end

    Bottom Half of RIGHT Screen
    Intensity Effects - Slow Intensity Fades, White stripes, 50/50 (Spots/Wash), Odd/Even, 3 Circuit Chase, 4 Circuit Chase, FLICKER, Random Strobe, 10Hz. Strobe.

    That should give you a basic layout of my page.

    I'm off the rest of this week, but since you're in Huntington Beach, Saddleback is in Lake Forest if you ever want to swing by. Just shoot me an email and we can set it. jon at housetohalf dot net.
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