Church Lighting

Hey guys,
I have been running lights on a road hog for about 3 months now at the church I attend. We have 16 movers, 6 LED bars, 12 LED cans, and a ton of conventional lighting. I was trying to get some advice on a easy way to run a Sunday morning without having to spend hours programming each week. Also, the set changes once a month so position palettes have to be changed often. Any advice would be great. Thanks in advance!

  • Jon,

    I finally got the chance, or you could say I was forced, to setup for busking using the Cuelists on the Touch Screens. (I've been spoiled by always having an expansion wing available)

    I used your example as my starting point and modified as needed for my setup.
    I liked how the Hog recalls the Busking View too, that is with the second cuelist pallet scolled down to where I need it.

    So, thanks for the clear explanation of your setup.
    Even if it is from 2009!
  • Jon,

    I finally got the chance, or you could say I was forced, to setup for busking using the Cuelists on the Touch Screens. (I've been spoiled by always having an expansion wing available)

    I used your example as my starting point and modified as needed for my setup.
    I liked how the Hog recalls the Busking View too, that is with the second cuelist pallet scolled down to where I need it.

    So, thanks for the clear explanation of your setup.
    Even if it is from 2009!
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