IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • Brad,

    sorry to say, but that is not fully true.
    Since V3.0.5 I have problems (like posted several times and also checked with Robbie) with loosing DMX for some frames.
    It seems that only some of the first revision motherboards have these problems.
    I´m not the only one with that problem (some consoles in Austria), and the only solution was to exchange the motherboard or use an external DP2k or DP8k.

    You can also send me an email marc@licht-pixel.de and I can get you some more detailed informations.


  • Brad,

    sorry to say, but that is not fully true.
    Since V3.0.5 I have problems (like posted several times and also checked with Robbie) with loosing DMX for some frames.
    It seems that only some of the first revision motherboards have these problems.
    I´m not the only one with that problem (some consoles in Austria), and the only solution was to exchange the motherboard or use an external DP2k or DP8k.

    You can also send me an email marc@licht-pixel.de and I can get you some more detailed informations.


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