IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • After further testing this issue is believed to be a software defect that started in v3.0.

    In our testing, iPCs built with Asus ASUS A7V400-MX motherboards have been show to suffer noticable DMX Output drop-outs when running software versions 3.0.0 and greater. This issue can be seen simply by hooking up a fixture, putting it in a position circle effect, and watching it glitch every 20s or so. This can also be seen in a typical dmx-ter by watching the break to break timing periodically jump to 500ms and sometimes greater.

    What we have discovered in our testing so far:
    1) Asus A7N8X-VM/400 motherboards are the only motherboards proven to exhibit this problem
    2) DMX dropouts are only occuring on Widgets and Superwidgets (DP8000 and DP2000 outputs are not effected)
    3) This problem goes away when you downgrade to v2.6.0 on the iPC

    I have logged software defect #13324 to track this issue and I am discussing it with our development team to determine the best way to resolve the problem on Hog iPCs suffering from this dmx drop out problem.

    If you are experiencing this problem on motherboards other than the A7N8X-VM/400 please let us know by posting in this forum.
  • After further testing this issue is believed to be a software defect that started in v3.0.

    In our testing, iPCs built with Asus ASUS A7V400-MX motherboards have been show to suffer noticable DMX Output drop-outs when running software versions 3.0.0 and greater. This issue can be seen simply by hooking up a fixture, putting it in a position circle effect, and watching it glitch every 20s or so. This can also be seen in a typical dmx-ter by watching the break to break timing periodically jump to 500ms and sometimes greater.

    What we have discovered in our testing so far:
    1) Asus A7N8X-VM/400 motherboards are the only motherboards proven to exhibit this problem
    2) DMX dropouts are only occuring on Widgets and Superwidgets (DP8000 and DP2000 outputs are not effected)
    3) This problem goes away when you downgrade to v2.6.0 on the iPC

    I have logged software defect #13324 to track this issue and I am discussing it with our development team to determine the best way to resolve the problem on Hog iPCs suffering from this dmx drop out problem.

    If you are experiencing this problem on motherboards other than the A7N8X-VM/400 please let us know by posting in this forum.
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