IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • The best way is to buy the "upgrade"/exchange kit from HES, which is available from you local HES-Dealer
    There you will replace the motherboard, timecode-widget and HDD.
    After the "upgrade" you will have the same power like in a Roadhog (NOT Roadhog Fullboar), like SATA HDD, Dual-Core, 1GB RAM
    Booting will proceed faster and i think also a little more performance when switching windows etc...
    Changing just the motherboard might not work, cause the BIOS is set to work with iPC hardware, also the HDD-capacity must match certain specifications.

    Hope this helps.
  • The best way is to buy the "upgrade"/exchange kit from HES, which is available from you local HES-Dealer
    There you will replace the motherboard, timecode-widget and HDD.
    After the "upgrade" you will have the same power like in a Roadhog (NOT Roadhog Fullboar), like SATA HDD, Dual-Core, 1GB RAM
    Booting will proceed faster and i think also a little more performance when switching windows etc...
    Changing just the motherboard might not work, cause the BIOS is set to work with iPC hardware, also the HDD-capacity must match certain specifications.

    Hope this helps.
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