IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • I already opened my Ipc a few times so far and as far as I can see the LTC widget is connected to the motherboard usb in place jumper. it's actually sharing this jumper with the DMX superwidget. there's a split cable feeding both the LTC and DMX widget. According to what my Ipc wiring is, I still don't see why I should change the LTC widget. At the end of the day the LTC widget is a USB device and it should work regardless of the motherboard as long as it's connected to a USB port.
  • I already opened my Ipc a few times so far and as far as I can see the LTC widget is connected to the motherboard usb in place jumper. it's actually sharing this jumper with the DMX superwidget. there's a split cable feeding both the LTC and DMX widget. According to what my Ipc wiring is, I still don't see why I should change the LTC widget. At the end of the day the LTC widget is a USB device and it should work regardless of the motherboard as long as it's connected to a USB port.
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