IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • As Chris explained in his previous post, the older motherboards had MIDI support directly on the motherboard. In these consoles, the motherboard provided the MIDI interface, and the LTC widget provided the LTC interface.

    Newer motherboards do not support MIDI. Consoles built with these newer motherboards use a different widget that supports both LTC and MIDI. If you use an old widget with a new motherboard, your MIDI will not work.
  • As Chris explained in his previous post, the older motherboards had MIDI support directly on the motherboard. In these consoles, the motherboard provided the MIDI interface, and the LTC widget provided the LTC interface.

    Newer motherboards do not support MIDI. Consoles built with these newer motherboards use a different widget that supports both LTC and MIDI. If you use an old widget with a new motherboard, your MIDI will not work.
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