IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • [QUOTE=MLorenz;45107] like SATA HDD, Dual-Core, 1GB RAM

    The RHFB uses a Dual Core CPU, but the RH typically ships with a single core Celeron.

    A more general note: Officially we only support motherboards supplied by HES with the HES custom BIOS.

    Motherboard vendors make frequent changes to the boards without changing the part number. That means even if you purchase a motherboard with the same model number from your favorite computer store it may not work in your console. We test with what we ship. Anything else and you're on your own.
  • [QUOTE=MLorenz;45107] like SATA HDD, Dual-Core, 1GB RAM

    The RHFB uses a Dual Core CPU, but the RH typically ships with a single core Celeron.

    A more general note: Officially we only support motherboards supplied by HES with the HES custom BIOS.

    Motherboard vendors make frequent changes to the boards without changing the part number. That means even if you purchase a motherboard with the same model number from your favorite computer store it may not work in your console. We test with what we ship. Anything else and you're on your own.
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