IPC Hardware upgrade

I read in a post here a while ago about a hardware upgrade you can purchase for the IPC. Is this is real thing? And if so, does anyone have any information on this? I can not find any more info on the HighEnd site.

  • I am having this same issue with a Hog IPC that I just bought (used of course) last week. This console leaves on a long tour next week, so I am trying to get this resolved. I tried "downgrading" to the older version of software in order to not have this glitch issue, but had some issues: the server would not start, and I had a couple of error pop-ups. All in all, I could not get my show to load in this older version of software. Any thoughts/suggestions? How soon can you all get this replacement motherboard kit out? Time is of the essence here....
  • I am having this same issue with a Hog IPC that I just bought (used of course) last week. This console leaves on a long tour next week, so I am trying to get this resolved. I tried "downgrading" to the older version of software in order to not have this glitch issue, but had some issues: the server would not start, and I had a couple of error pop-ups. All in all, I could not get my show to load in this older version of software. Any thoughts/suggestions? How soon can you all get this replacement motherboard kit out? Time is of the essence here....
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