Un-Park Bug Still Around

I thought that bug disappeared once and for all, but it seems to have reappeared. This time, I was using an iPC, loaded with the newest XPE image and 3.1.3. One external ELO touch screen, and 1 mini playback wing. New show file using 3.1.3's library, and no custom fixtures. Parked a number of desk channels (20 to 24 at various levels) and 1 Mac 250 Krypton Basic with some values. Programmed, ran the show and went to unpark the desk channels (Open + Parked) and immediately iPC crashed out of Hog PC and just hung at the windows desktop.

I had this happen for the longest time with a single desk channel on my Hog III, but seemed to go away with 3.1.1/3.1.2. Haven't seen it since on my H3. Setup on H3 is 2 external touches, 2 mini playback wings, 1 PS/2 Keyboard, 1DP2k, 1 Dell Switch (Non Managed)
  • I will send you my newest show file. As I've said in prior posts, it always happens at the end of the night after many hours of use, never at the beginning. I doubt it's my show files, as I used a completely new showfile, without any imported preferences or anomalies whatsoever on my last show. The only common fact I can see it always occurs after some cues, effects and such have ran, and always is a desk channel and always at full. I've never had it occur when only a mover for example is parked.
  • I will send you my newest show file. As I've said in prior posts, it always happens at the end of the night after many hours of use, never at the beginning. I doubt it's my show files, as I used a completely new showfile, without any imported preferences or anomalies whatsoever on my last show. The only common fact I can see it always occurs after some cues, effects and such have ran, and always is a desk channel and always at full. I've never had it occur when only a mover for example is parked.
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