DP 2000 Error

Hey everyone I am running a Hog 3 console in version 2.3.1 (b1932)

I was running one of our time coded shows recently and i got an error on my lower dp 2000. The other dp2000 on top remained as an active output server. The console was switching from one list to another to finish off the show and i noticed a yellow triangle appeared in the lower left hand section of the right hand touch screen. The error was as follows:

DTLBerror at 286728-> fe88e002 T-L cd264 d2814

I have never seen this error before can anyone please help me in figuring out what it is? What caused it? And How can I prevent this from happening?

After this problem occurred I wrote down the error and wanted to see if I could clear it from the server. I gave the processors a hard rest and the error cleared but I am still interested in finding out how to avoid this problem in the future..

I appreciate anyones help.

  • 2.3.1 is very old software, released over 2 years ago. Off the top of my head, I can think of 6 issues that have been fixed in the DP2000 software in the past two years that could cause a DTLB. So, one option is to try the current 3.1.x software.

    But, before you change software there are some important questions to ask. How many times have you run this particular show vs. how often do you see the DTLB error? With newer software, there's always the risk that you'll solve one problem, but create another. If this error is a one-time problem out of hundreds of shows, and the 2.3.1 software is otherwise working well for you, then your best choice may be to leave it as is.

    If you're having other problems with 2.3.1, then you may want to try 3.0.x or 3.1.x. It also depends on how much rehearsal time you have. Do you have a change to try a newer software version without a live audience? Or do you have a backup system you can fall back to during the show if it doesn't work for you?

    Nornally, I recommend using the most current software, and only going back to older versions if you have specific issues with the newer stuff. But, you said your show is timecoded, and timecoded shows tend to be the shows that are run the most frequently, with the harshest schedules. It's a matter of understanding your environment, and the best practices for it.

    Iif you have specific questions about certain software versions, give support a call.