What would you pay for quicker feature roll out?

It seems like each time there's discussion of new ideas for the Hog software the response from High End is that's it's in the works for a future release. Some of these features have now been in the cue for years and I'm itching to see them sooner than later.

I'm guessing part of the problem is that it takes man power assets to implement these features into the software which are probably stretched to the limit right now.

How would people feel about paying around say $25 - $50 on major Hog upgrades to help High End offset some of these costs and maybe even give them some impetus to bring on another programmer to get these features out sooner that later?

I know this may be controversial but compared to what we all spend on our rigs it's not much money and if it would help speed up software development I'd personally gladly lay down the cash to help the Hog development team have the time and man power to rock.

Anybody else?


  • It would get a little tricky. Cheaper rental houses might send out desks that are a version behind on software and then do I as the end user have to pay to upgrade it myself? Do I then own it? DO I have to delete from the desk after the show is over? What if I go to a club that still has 3.0.1 on it and the current version is 4.2, is it one fee of $25 or several?

    Lots of things to consider, perhaps bribing might get what you want faster:friday: Grease the wheels a little....
  • It would get a little tricky. Cheaper rental houses might send out desks that are a version behind on software and then do I as the end user have to pay to upgrade it myself? Do I then own it? DO I have to delete from the desk after the show is over? What if I go to a club that still has 3.0.1 on it and the current version is 4.2, is it one fee of $25 or several?

    Lots of things to consider, perhaps bribing might get what you want faster:friday: Grease the wheels a little....
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