recording desk channels to playbacks via pallets

Im carrying movers and a roadhog with wing. I use the house conventional lighing. I record the conventional lighting to group pallets. I then use the group pallets to record the desk channels to my playbacks. when i get to the next show I update the pallets with the new deskchannels. my problem is that the the playbacks are not updating. I still have to re-record or edit all my playbacks. what am i doing wrong? is there a differnt directory i should be using for desk channels ?

  • Josh,

    Groups are not palettes. Palettes are references to parameter data that are stored in cues. Groups are simply fixture selections that can be recalled.

    In your situation, I suggest that you assign specific desk channels to your usual purpose (FOH wash, Backlight) and then patch accordingly as you arrive at each venue. So for day 1 you might have the FOH wash with dimmers 21,37, and 42 and on day 2 you have dimmers 100,101, and 103. The fixture number for the FOH wash will always be the same, thus your playback controls will always work. You will just need to change the patch information to match the day's rig.
  • Josh,

    Groups are not palettes. Palettes are references to parameter data that are stored in cues. Groups are simply fixture selections that can be recalled.

    In your situation, I suggest that you assign specific desk channels to your usual purpose (FOH wash, Backlight) and then patch accordingly as you arrive at each venue. So for day 1 you might have the FOH wash with dimmers 21,37, and 42 and on day 2 you have dimmers 100,101, and 103. The fixture number for the FOH wash will always be the same, thus your playback controls will always work. You will just need to change the patch information to match the day's rig.
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