recording desk channels to playbacks via pallets

Im carrying movers and a roadhog with wing. I use the house conventional lighing. I record the conventional lighting to group pallets. I then use the group pallets to record the desk channels to my playbacks. when i get to the next show I update the pallets with the new deskchannels. my problem is that the the playbacks are not updating. I still have to re-record or edit all my playbacks. what am i doing wrong? is there a differnt directory i should be using for desk channels ?

  • I had a ballet show out during the winter that I had this issue with. We always used the venues FOH fixtures and sometimes their cyc and booms as well. The show was programed with amber, blue and lav cyc lights for the for arguments sake these were fixtures 601-605, 611-615 and 621-625. The first time I came across an RGB I added some fixtures to the show 701-705, 711-715 and 721-725 and touched up all the cyc looks took match as close as possible with the new colors. This made it real easy to go back and forth between the show cyc lights and house cyc lights. The cues had a double set of fixtures acting as cyc lights but only one set would be patched at each venue. I later made a another set of fixtures for RGBA in the 800 number series.

    To make matters as easy as possible I feed the house racks from a separate universe. After FOH was set up I unpatched that whole universe and started from scratch. I made a cheat sheet that reminded me of all the different channel numbers and I never found it to be that much work.
  • I had a ballet show out during the winter that I had this issue with. We always used the venues FOH fixtures and sometimes their cyc and booms as well. The show was programed with amber, blue and lav cyc lights for the for arguments sake these were fixtures 601-605, 611-615 and 621-625. The first time I came across an RGB I added some fixtures to the show 701-705, 711-715 and 721-725 and touched up all the cyc looks took match as close as possible with the new colors. This made it real easy to go back and forth between the show cyc lights and house cyc lights. The cues had a double set of fixtures acting as cyc lights but only one set would be patched at each venue. I later made a another set of fixtures for RGBA in the 800 number series.

    To make matters as easy as possible I feed the house racks from a separate universe. After FOH was set up I unpatched that whole universe and started from scratch. I made a cheat sheet that reminded me of all the different channel numbers and I never found it to be that much work.
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