Desk Channels to non dim option

I would love to see an option to temporarly set a desk channel to non dim, without having to change type and repatch. Any word on this option comming at some point? The main issue is that when ever i change fixture type and repatch, it refreshes the showfile, causing entire show state to "bump" or flicker, making for some very nervouse gaffers!
I work on a T.V. set and as we do a lot of turnarounds, the lights get changed contantly on the fly, and with no time to spare, non dim fixtures contantly get pluged into dim channels, and since 99% of the set is controled thru my hog, everytime i change a fixture the whole place starts blinking, leaving me with a very noise radio in my ear. I do give everyone the heads up, but still, ther is always that one guy worried that the whole set will go dark.
my other option so far has been to just track the channel numbers that have non dim fixtures on them and lock their intensities out
you see I also do run a lot of flicker and dimming effects as this is a sci-fi show. I constantly worry about blowing non dim fixtures, so an option to do a temp change like a button in the edit fixture window that says, "set to nondim" would be great. I seem to remember hog II having that option.
anyways thanks for the read, I hope to see this one day.