HOG 3 Right hand Screen died?

Hi Guys,
Using a HOG 3 and the right hand touch screen died is there a quick command to flip screens? As all the saving shut down etc comes up on the right hand screen.
  • Not sure about you guys but I think it's unlikely the screen has failed completely.

    this poster can accept no responsibility for the actions of the postee(?) but:

    Most likely a poor connection at an end of the touch screen loom.

    I my experience, more often than not a screen comes back, until it goes back in the truck anyway, with a medium-firm (well-practised now) slap to the back of the offending screen - no tools required. probably not the best thing to do when the hard drive is busy.

    Failing that, with the console unplugged you might remove the small aluminium plate underneath the hinged screens, not the one with the holes in, the other side, and check that the two cables marked touch 1 and 2 or similar are securely connected to the main board.

    Failing that, and what you really should have done in the first place is return the console to have it serviced by a competent trained technician.
  • Not sure about you guys but I think it's unlikely the screen has failed completely.

    this poster can accept no responsibility for the actions of the postee(?) but:

    Most likely a poor connection at an end of the touch screen loom.

    I my experience, more often than not a screen comes back, until it goes back in the truck anyway, with a medium-firm (well-practised now) slap to the back of the offending screen - no tools required. probably not the best thing to do when the hard drive is busy.

    Failing that, with the console unplugged you might remove the small aluminium plate underneath the hinged screens, not the one with the holes in, the other side, and check that the two cables marked touch 1 and 2 or similar are securely connected to the main board.

    Failing that, and what you really should have done in the first place is return the console to have it serviced by a competent trained technician.
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