Quick Re-patch for DP's

Hi Guys,

I was hoping to add in an enhancement for quickly re-patching on Hog PC.

By default a DP8000 is patched, but if on site it changes to say two DP2000's theres no quick way to 'shift' the universes over.

Selecting day 601 THRU 620 @ does obviously work - however, if (like I have) you have gaps in your patching for a specific reason, it is a bit of a pain to repatch it this way. Or, alternatively if you have dimmers.

Something like being able to 'shift' the universe from A to B DP without re-configuring or going down the patch window one by one with patch gaps and dimmers?

  • Buy a DP8000? *evil grin*

    In your showfile, patch everything to a DP8000 at netnum 1 (for PC based consoles).

    Set your DP2000s to netnums 3 and 4, and clone all of your universes to them.

    This way, the show should work with either config. You'll use the 8K on PC consoles, and the 2Ks on your Hog III.
  • Buy a DP8000? *evil grin*

    In your showfile, patch everything to a DP8000 at netnum 1 (for PC based consoles).

    Set your DP2000s to netnums 3 and 4, and clone all of your universes to them.

    This way, the show should work with either config. You'll use the 8K on PC consoles, and the 2Ks on your Hog III.
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